Rod started bowling tenpins in 1960 as a member of the Montreal Bowling Association. He has bowled a high series of 705 and high single of 268. Rod has attended 19 ABC Tournaments and 15 ABC conventions.

He was a member of the Montreal Tenpin Bowling Association for 12 years and Secretary/Treasurer for 7 years, President for a 1 year term. As Secretary he was Tournament Manager for 7 years. A League President or Secretary for 2 leagues for 8 years and was elected a Life Member to this Association in 1971.

During his time in Montreal he coached junior bowlers and helped form the Montreal Junior Bowling Association and also represented Quebec on the CTF Board for 3 years as Second Vice President. In 1967 Montreal and Ottawa Association tried to reorganize the Quebec Provincial Tenpin B.A. without success and was folded permanently in 1969.

In 1972 he transferred to Ottawa and became Secretary/Treasurer replacing Paul Foster and served that Association for 10 years. Rod served as Tournament Manager and league Secretary for 8 years. Rod was elected a Life Member in 1972.

In 1982 he was transferred back to Toronto and joined the Greater Toronto Tenpin Bowling Association. He has held the position of Secretary or President for a number of leagues in the Association. He joined the Board of Directors in 1984. Served as President for the 1994-95 season and succeeded Harry Beatty as Secretary/Treasurer in 1995.

Last updated on Sunday, February 7, 2021
Copyright © 2005 - 2021 Greater Toronto Tenpin Bowling Association