Robert Trude was born in Peterborough, June 3, 1945. He was a member of the Peterborough Bowling Association and has served on the Board of Directors of the Greater Toronto Tenpin Bowling Association for the last 24 years. Robert has served in many capacities as a member of the Board of Directors. For his dedication he was rewarded by being elected President of the Association in 1982. He is a Certified Lane Inspector, served as Tournament Director of the Men’s Tournament and Co-chaired the Mixed Doubles. He was a member of the Committee responsible for the implementation of the Hall of Fame for this Association. As President of the Greater Toronto Tenpin Bowling Association was granted Life Membership by the association in 1986.

In 1983 Robert branched out and became a Director on the Ontario Provincial Tenpin Bowling Association and in 1989 he was elected President. During his time with this Association Robert was involved in writing the Provincial By-laws, Jamboree Procedure, the Tournament Procedures and the Ontario Provincial Hall of Fame Procedures. For this Robert was elected to Life Membership in 1993.

During this time Robert also had enough time to be elected President of the Greater Toronto Junior Bowling Association in 1987. In the 1991 season his last on the Junior Board he was instrumental in setting up the Junior Scholarship Program.

Robert has bowled in 21 local association tournaments, the provincial tournament for 21 years, the ABC Nationals for 15 years. He also attended 14 conventions of the ABC. Robert's prowess on the lanes consists of a high average of 198, high series of 695 and a high single of 276.

For Meritorious Service, The Hall of Fame is pleased to induct Robert Trude.

Last updated on Sunday, February 7, 2021
Copyright © 2005 - 2021 Greater Toronto Tenpin Bowling Association