
Harry Beatty was born in Cannington, Ontario. A resident of Barrie since 1961, he became a member of the Greater Toronto Tenpin Bowling Association in 1962.

Harry was a league President and Secretary prior to serving on the Board of the GTTBA for 31 years. He was President for 4 years and Secretary -treasurer for 12 years, and a Life Member. Harry was a member of the Greater Toronto Junior Bowling Association Board for 9 years, serving as its President for 5 years. The Ontario Provincial Junior Bowling Association has recently set up 4 scholarships in Harry’s name.

In keeping with his incredible administrative ability, Harry became a director of the Ontario Provincial Tenpin Bowling Association in 1975 and went on to become Second Vice-president, First Vice-president and then President. In 1985 he was made a Life Member of OPTBA and this past September he was inducted into the OPTBA Hall of Fame. Harry also served as an American Bowling Congress Director for Eastern Canada from 1991 to 1996.

He was a Founding Member and the First Vice-President of the Ontario Tenpin Bowling Council and served on the Executive Committee of the 1985 Masters Games held in Toronto. Always innovative, he was instrumental in moving the Toronto Associations into the computer age. In 1988 he received the GTWBA Merit Award for outstanding service to the Women’s Association.

An excellent bowler, Harry had a book average of better than 180, with a series high of 709 and a high game of 288. He was a consistent winner in numerous local, provincial, and national tournaments. Harry finished 2nd in the inaugural Masters Games held in Toronto in 1985 and had bowled in his 25th ABC National Tournament in Reno in 1995.

Harry was a Mason for 40 years and he was also a member of the Canadian Legion for some 23 years.

Even in the face of terrifying odds with his devastating illness, Harry Beatty continued to serve the bowling community cheerfully and with dignity right up to his untimely death in May of 1996.

Last updated on Sunday, February 7, 2021
Copyright © 2005 - 2021 Greater Toronto Tenpin Bowling Association